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About Arbornet: Treasurer's Reports

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                 Arbornet April, 2007 Financial report
 Cash in checking, February 21, 2007                       $ 33.32
 Cash in savings, February 21, 2007                        $  5.00
 Cash in Paypal account, February 21, 2007                 $456.23
 Cash in checking, April 3, 2007                           $ 27.87
 Cash in savings, April 3, 2007                            $  5.00
 Cash in Paypal account, April 3, 2007                     $679.84
 Cash in bank, May 2, 2007                                 $ 27.89
 Cash in savings, May 2, 2007                              $  5.00
 Cash in Paypal account, May 2, 2007                       $780.89
 Total cash as of February 21, 2007                       $ 494.55
 Total cash as of April 3, 2007                           $ 712.71
 Total cash as of May 2, 2007                             $ 813.66
 Change since last month:                                +$ 100.95
 1) Changed UMCU account type from interest checking, costing us $4 per
 month, to basic checking, which is free
 2) Our increased balance includes:
   $90 in donations (minus $3.21 in fees paid to Paypal)
       Thanks to Adam Rudd (rudder08)
   $15 in citizenship contributions (minus $0.74 in Paypal fees)
 3) A $20 donation was recieved and refunded, as the user gave it, hoping
    to be able to run eggdrop.
 4) I amended the report to include the $5 in our savings account.  UMCU
 mandates that each member has a savings account.
 5) Our total income from Amazon for the year is $11.64.  We received a
 payment of $11.27 on March 28.
 Thanks to rudder08 and lar for their contributions during the last month!
 John Perry


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