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Access M-Net Conferences

Particpating in conferences on M-Net is one of the primary reason why people why many people use M-Net on a daily or even hourly basis.

You can access M-Net's 100+ conferences by telnet/ssh, or via the Web.

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List of Conferences

Below is M-Net's current list of conferences
**M-Net and General Topics**

general...............Where things go that don't go anywhere else, also 
                      reachable by the name of the current month
oldgeneral............Last month's news
guide.................The conference which can guide you through M-Net
hitone................Dedicated to serious conversation
policy................The conference where we discuss M-Net's policies
prcom.................The Public Relations conference
sysop.................The place for technical Q&A about M-Net
confpub...............The Conference Management conference
fw....................The conference for fairwitnesses
opinion...............The Public Opinion conference
classics..............The place for classic items from M-Net and Arbornet
volunteer.............The Arbornet volunteerism conference
auction...............Auction fund-raising Conference
staff.................A restricted conference for M-Net's staff only
election..............A conference for discussion of M-net elections

**Places to Visit on M-Net**

detroit...............The conference about the Motor City
dfg...................M-Net's Trivia Arcade. Come visit Dialing for Gribblies
fanggang..............If you ever were a camper at Denny's in the 1990's
flame.................The social toaster. Bring your anger here
knutz.................The Looney Bin, merged with Twilight Zone
punk..................The Punk Leather Beeper Conference
sleaze................The Sleaze Conference, M-Net's 24-hour tabloid
gossip................The conference about what we always suspected about you
remnet................where it's ok to be small
vomit.................If you have to ask....

**Games, Sports, and Fun**

games.................Non-Unix games (including video games)
humor.................Jokes and funny stories
rpg...................Role playing games
sports................Talk about sports and your favorite teams
oldsports.............Previous Incarnation of the sports conference
violence..............Violence, Weaponry, Guns/Shooting and the Military
writing...............Play writing/RPG games here
ugames................Talk about Empire and other unix games on M-Net


ibmpc.................IBM-compatible computers, software, and peripherals
mac...................Macintsoh computers, software, and peripherals
unix..................The Unix operating system
scripts...............Learning to write Unix shell scripts
programming...........Programming and software discussions and questions
internet..............The information highway
security..............Discusions pertaining to computer system security
telecommunications....The Telecommunications conference
yapp..................Discussion of the YAPP BBS program (shared)
test..................The place to try something before you do it for real
altos.................Altos computers, software, and peripherals
backtalk..............Discussion of BackTalk M-Net's www interface

**Sexuality and Relationships**

gay...................The gay community
marriage..............For discussion of any issues regarding marriage
men...................For and about men; open to all
parenting.............Children and parenting
sex...................All you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask
singles...............Sex roles & society, singles, and meeting people
women.................Discussion of women's issues; open to all

**Media, Literature, and the Arts**

audio.................The Audio/Video Conference
films.................Movies and the cinema
lit...................Literature, writing techniques, and non-sci-fi books
music.................Popular and unpopular music of all sorts
photo.................The techniques and methods of photography
radio.................Discussion about the use of radio waves to communicate
sf....................Science fiction, including books and "cons"
story.................Stories, poems, and line noise written by you and me
theater...............The theater conference
tv....................The conference for discussion of television

**Politics and Government**

earth.................Environmental issues and concerns
law...................Discussions about the law and public policy
politics..............Politics, government, and political campaigns.
world.................International relations and foreign policy discussions

**Hobbies and Miscellaneous**

animals...............The Animals Conference
asd...................Promoting the freedom of the common user
behavior..............Why people think and act as they do
cartoon...............The place to talk about Cartoons
cats..................For people who really care about cats
comics................Everything about Comics
cooking...............Recipes, restaurants, and good dining
classified............Buy, sell, and trade in the M-Net Classifieds
dead..................All things dead.  Therefore, not living.
dream.................Discuss and analyze your dreams
driving...............Cars, motorcycles, repairs, and other racy topics
eating................A support system for various struggles involving food
education.............The Education Conference
european..............The European Education Conference
fixit.................The Home Fixit conference for do-it-yourselfers
genealogy.............Discuss your ancestors and research your family tree
health................Health and physical fitness discussions
international.........A non-political discussion of the world community
jewish................A forum for discussion of Judaica
laundry...............Come clean in the Laundry Conference
native................Native peoples of the Western Hemisphere
pandatreats...........Pandas and Endangered Animals
pets..................Discuss your various favorite pets here
polytarp..............It's the new, revolutionary generale!
psychic...............Psychic phenomena and the supernatural
recovery..............Conference for discussion of sobriety related issues
science...............The Science, Mathematics and Enginering Conference
smoking...............The Smoking Lounge & discussion forum
steve.................Discussion of and participation in the Steve Phenomena
taxi/occupations......Occupations of all types; their hazzards & benefits
theology..............Not just talk about religion
twinkie...............Where the AntiGrex and his minions live
ufo...................The conference about UFO's and related phenomena
agora.................A parody of the on Grex
campus................M-netters who grew up on M-net come of age
kerl..................A conference to link items from other conferences

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